General registration is open from December 15th
- General Entry: February 15, 2025
- Quantitative Entry: April 28, 2025
- Individual Entry & Travel Plan: June 28, 2025
Link for registrations:
- Participation Fee: 75 EUR / person / night
- EUSA Entry Fee: 50 EUR / person (40 EUR for EUSA Associated
- Deposit per team: 600 EUR
Participants represent their universities. EUSA Member Federations can submit General Entry Forms at defining a contact person to carry out the rest of the registration procedure, including submission of the Quantitative forms, Travel Plans and Individual Entries.
Only the following may participate as competitors in an EUSA EUC:
- Students who are officially registered for and pursuing a course of study at a university or similar institute whose status as an institution of higher education is recognized by the appropriate national authority of their country;
- Former students of the institutions mentioned above who obtained their academic degree or diploma in the year preceding the EUC.
- Competitors shall not be younger than 17 and older than 30 years.
- Formula: EUC year (2025) – competitor’s year of birth = age
- The registration guide can be found at the following link:
- The entry procedure is described in the Rules & Regulations for EUSASports Events